Toy Photos: Minions from Despicable Me

Minion photos have been popping on my newsfeed for weeks now, so I got to get those Minions and take photos as well.  Several days ago, I went to McDonald’s to order some Happy Meal. They don’t have any of them unfortunately, so I ended up eating Pizza that day. Later on, someone offered his complete set of Minions, gave them to me as a present and told me to take photos of it. So sweet.

Today’s post is all about Minions from the movie, Despicable Me 2. Have you watched the movie?

Go Fishing!

Baking Day

That Afro Minion!! >_<

Playing Cards on a Friday


That picnic table is hand-made, cards are papercraft and Sodas are Re-ment.

23 Comments Add yours

  1. aki092 says:

    I just love them XD

    1. sheng says:

      everybody loves Minions! >_<
      Thank you for dropping by aki092!

  2. Edgar Seyton says:

    Those are all so adorable!

    1. sheng says:

      Yeah and to be honest I haven’t watched the movie. Lol. xD

  3. tom says:

    nice!!! very nice

    1. sheng says:

      glad you liked it tom! 🙂

  4. diesuscarlos says:

    Ahhh minions. Who would hate them? Nice photos! 🙂

    1. sheng says:

      Thanks carlos 😀

  5. oh man.. lucky you.. wanted to collect them all… but no more.. :((

    1. sheng says:

      They got sold out easily. @_@

  6. dejivruR says:

    everybodehhh loooves minions~

  7. ZzZzTeNg says:

    Reblogged this on ZIESTA and commented:
    Check it out the Minions Photography by KIXKILLRADIO,it’s way too awesome! 😀

  8. Nice minion pictures you’ve got here. Despicable Me 2 I thought was a bit disappointing. Despicable Me 1 storyline was way better. But nevertheless, minion rocks!

    1. sheng says:

      Hi, thanks for dropping by. I’m happy you enjoyed these Minion photos. I haven’t watched Despicable Me 2 yet >_<

  9. Mikeh says:

    I love the picnic table. Is it made of real wood?

    1. sheng says:

      Yes. I bought the thin wood material from a Japanese surplus shop here

  10. Cindy Wu says:

    I like that red cap that one of the minion is wearing. It’s adorable =D Where did you get that from?

    1. sheng says:

      It’s from a Bratz doll. 😀

      1. Cindy Wu says:

        Oh, that’s cute! I used one of my old ballet bun net to make a similar cap for my old barbie doll =D

  11. Great i love your shooting

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